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Kamis, 10 Januari 2013

                                 A PART OF TIPS TO JOINING
            EXAM TC 119 DJF 2012/2013 AT BOROBUDUR
Secretariat : Jl. Anyelir No. 8 PO.BOX. 146 Phone (0354) 392987 Pelem Pare Kediri East Java

Name            : ARIF ANWAR MAULANA                                               Date : 10 of January 2013
Class              : FAMOUS CLASS
          Ondel-ondel is a Betawi folk performances and often displayed in people's parties. It seems that ondel-ondel portray ancestors that preserves their grandchildren or a villagers.
Ondel-ondel is the form of a large doll that is about ± 2.5 m with ± 80 cm diameter, made of woven bamboo, which is prepared in such a way so easily borne from inside. Its face is covered by mask  made from palm fiber. Ondel-ondel man version is painted in red, while the women painted in white.
             These forms show many similarities to those found in several other areas. In others part of

Indonesia, there are several version of Ondel-ondel such as, in Pasundan is known as ‘Badawang’, in Central Java called ‘Barongan Buncis’, while in Bali, better known as ‘Barong Landung’. It is estimated that the Ondel-ondel has been performance  before the spread of Islam in Java.
            The music that accompanied ondel-ondel is not certain, it depends to the party.  Sometimes ondel-ondel accompanied by tanjidor, sometimes accompanied by  Betawi martial art and sometimes by Bende and Rebana Ketimpring. Basically ondel-ondel betawi still survive and become trimmer in the face of the metropolitan city of Jakarta.
In the old days, the original function of Ondel-ondel as repellent reinforcements or disruption of wandering spirits. Today ondel-ondel is used to add vibrant on folk festivals or a welcome dance to a guest.
Folk : Rakyat                       Estimate : Diperkirakan                 Survive : Selamat
seems : Rupanya              Spread : Penyebaran                      Certain : Pasrti
Portray : Melukiskan      Trimmer : Penghias                         Guest : Tamu
Mask : Topeng                  Vibrant : Semangat                         Repellent : Penolak

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Senyuman merupakan hal kecil yang dapat membuat hidup ini menjadi lebih mudah
“Sakit dalam perjuangan itu hanya sementara. Bisa jadi Anda rasakan dalam semenit, sejam, sehari, atau setahun. Namun jika menyerah, rasa sakit itu akan terasa selamanya”

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Jika kita hanya mengerjakan yang sudah kita ketahui, kapankah kita akan mendapat pengetahuan yang baru ? Melakukan yang belum kita ketahui adalah pintu menuju pengetahuan.

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Jangan terpaku dengan asumsi dan persepsi sendiri, karena bisa salah. Cobalah mulai membuka pikiran Kita terhadap pikiran orang lain, tentu saja dengan filter nilai-nilai yang Kita anut.