Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.
Respected to …………………………….
Respected all of teachers of ……..
Ladies and gentlemen
Standing in front of you all I am a
master of ceremony I would like to read the agenda in this meeting one by one.
The first agenda is opening
The second is reciting of Alqur’an
The third is speech by some speakers
The fourth is resting
The fifth is correction
The sixth is announcement
The last is closing
Ok, let’s open our program today by
reciting Al-Fatihah
Thankyou very much
Lasdies and gentlemen
Now we are going to step second
agenda, namely reciting of holly Qur’an
Mr…… will recite the H.Q.
English translator is Mr……
Indonesian translator is
Time is yours
Ladies gentlemen we are going to the
next agenda namely speech by some speakers
The first speakers is Mr…………
The second speakers is Mr……..
The third speaker is Mr……
Before I’m going to call the next
speaker, I would like to give the chance to Mr…….. to make some conclusions
from the speech by the speakers, time is yours.
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