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Senin, 01 April 2013

PeaZip 4.9.1

PeaZip is an open source file and archive manager. It's freeware and free of charge for any use. PeaZip can extract most of archive formats both from Windows and Unix worlds, ranging from mainstream 7Z, RAR, TAR and ZIP to experimental ones like PAQ/LPAQ family, currently the most powerful compressor available.
For archive creation, PeaZip suppors a wide range of compression and encryption standard, from fastes to most powerful ones, and allows to export job definition as scripts to bridge the gap between GUI and console applications, and let the user pick the best of the two worlds.

PeaZip has secure deletion feature, can verify file checksum and hash, and supports multiple strong encryption standards, optionally using two factor authentication (password and keyfile) for increased security:
  • 7Z's AES256 encryption
  • ZIP WinZip's AE encryption based on AES256 (and ZipCrypto for legacy compatibility); can decrypt PKZip's AES encryption
  • FreeARC's ARC: AES256, Blowfish, Twofish256 and Serpent256 - this format is also capable to generate recovery records to protect data against corruption
  • PEA: AES256 EAX authenticated encryption
Giorgio Tani - 5.09MB (Open Source)

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Sample text

Senyuman merupakan hal kecil yang dapat membuat hidup ini menjadi lebih mudah
“Sakit dalam perjuangan itu hanya sementara. Bisa jadi Anda rasakan dalam semenit, sejam, sehari, atau setahun. Namun jika menyerah, rasa sakit itu akan terasa selamanya”

Sample Text

Jika kita hanya mengerjakan yang sudah kita ketahui, kapankah kita akan mendapat pengetahuan yang baru ? Melakukan yang belum kita ketahui adalah pintu menuju pengetahuan.

Sample Text

Jangan terpaku dengan asumsi dan persepsi sendiri, karena bisa salah. Cobalah mulai membuka pikiran Kita terhadap pikiran orang lain, tentu saja dengan filter nilai-nilai yang Kita anut.